Using Etsy For Your Business.

Etsy is truly a magical place... especially if you love to shop. It's been my go-to for things like home decor, holiday essentials, and gift ideas. Half the time I find myself with a cart full of things I really don't need, but everything there is just so cool! Over time, I've come to realize that there are other ways to benefit from Etsy. Especially when it comes to your business.  

Etsy Shop

This one is the most obvious, so I'll talk about it first.

Open up your own Etsy shop! So many people are ditching the storefront, and starting their businesses online. If you have your own products I highly recommend listing them on Etsy. It's super easy to do, and it's another great way for your brand to gain exposure.

Rather than attempting to create a name for yourself all alone, you'll be walking under the notable banner of the Etsy name. Most people already know about Etsy, so it'll be anything but difficult to guide them to your shop. Also, Etsy utilizes Google ranking so you’ll have better search engine optimization (SEO). In the event that you open an online store and somebody attempts to discover it, it’s far more likely to pop up in a search as an Etsy store than if you have an independent website.

Your Etsy shop will also come with built-in statistics that you can use to track your customer’s experience. As a part of these statistics, you'll see how shoppers found you and which keywords they searched that lead them to your shop. This information will help you tremendously in the future as you try to rank your own website, set up PPC campaigns, etc.


Many vendors who sell their products on Etsy sell them in bulk. If you need to make a large purchase for your business, you can find some amazing wholesale prices with fast shipping times. Literally, if you go to the site right now and type in the word "wholesale", a whole list of goodies will appear. Maybe you need to order a bunch of shipping materials for all your outgoing orders. Or a bunch of beads and jewels for your new jewelry line. Maybe a bulk order of cosmetics for the beauty salon you just opened. You can even find wholesale party supplies in the case that you're throwing an event for your company. I could talk about this all day, but I think you guys get the point!


I believe having merchandise with your company name/logo is great advertising and doesn't have to cost much. You don't need to use those expensive companies that'll charge you hundreds, if not thousands, and only allow you to order minimum quantities. But printing your logo on hats, T-shirts, pens, coffee mugs, stickers, etc. will take your company a long way and help build your brand. You can find all of this and more just on Etsy! Just search "custom" followed by whatever merchandise you're looking for and you'll find some pretty great options.


To sum it up, Etsy isn't just for finding cute art decor for your living room. Use it to monetize, gain exposure, and build your brand!! I'm sure there are even more ways than I've listed above, also, and I would love to hear how so feel free to share! Thanks for reading.


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